Monday, March 31, 2008

Virtuous Months

For those who don't know me well, I lead the children's worship for my church 3 or 4 weeks a month (plus a bunch of other stuff for KidStuf). It's a little scary sometimes how apropos this can be for my life - specifically the virtues we focus on.

March was 'COURAGE' and boy did I need that to survive this month. No, there was nothing overly nasty in my days, other than a broken booty. In fact, I'd have to say my month ended on a relatively high note as compared to my friend Amanda (sorry sweetie - I honestly think we switched luck at the end of the month but I would have gladly sent all the good and happy luck to you for your special day if I'd known what would happen). Breaking my booty was definitely the lowest point but it's not anything I couldn't get over!

For April the virtue is 'JOY' and I am SO ready for this month! We have great songs picked out (I can say this, cuz I set up the schedule and set list!) - very high energy and all about the joy that can be found in any situation and in Christ. Plus, I just love the sound of the word 'JOY' - it's a great word and gives an instant happy jolt when you say it. Really. Say it out loud right now. A few times. See - you smiled didn't you? (seriously - did you say it? wow - you're funny!)

Going back to Amanda, I think she already understands this 'finding joy in any situation' better than most people. Less than 24-hours after posting about her crazy wedding (and less than 48 hours from the actual EVENT), she posted this follow-up - full of the joy of her marriage and being with the right man. She is thoroughly amazing to me and I know that I will take a lot to heart from both posts to see how God can give you a crazy moment (OK - a really BAD moment) at one point but you can find joy and happiness in it if you just look. Many brides would be fuming for YEARS over one little thing gone wrong and she's already sensing that she'll be laughing about it eventually (not quite yet, but she'll get there!).

Seeing the silver lining in things - that's been really hard for me to do lately, but I know it can been done. All things happen for a reason - it's not just a platitude or cliche - it's TRUE! God has a reason!

It's funny, I can usually tell other people to look on the bright side of things and tell them all the amazing things about THEM - but I refuse to do this for myself. Maybe for April one of my goals should be to say one positive thing about myself each day (and not just the "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!" diatribe either). I'll keep you posted. :)

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