Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's Official - March Broke Me

Well, I thought I was doing good there for a few days. After the ice cream/raffle thing, I had a good 48 hours. Positive meetings with a client, relaxing a little with my hubby, having fun with my kids. I must have let it all go to my head.

On Friday, I decided to join my boys at their field trip to Skate City. Now, growing up I was always a really good skater and I figured this would be good. Growing up in a small town, it was truly one of the few things to do every weekend - we didn't even have a movie theatre near us! So, I figured I could go and skate with my boys and help out on the floor. No fear here.

After about 70 minutes on the floor, I was finally getting my groove back. It was hard with all those kids out there who could NOT skate to save their lives and a floor that looked more like an ice rink (all white) than a roller rink to me (I'm used to a wooden plank floor). I can do this really cool skating move where I sort of bounce on my rear wheels and roll onto my front wheels. Only this time, my really cool move wasn't so cool.

First my right rear wheels slip and I lose a little balance. Then my front left wheels slip and I feel both legs go out - right in front of me. And not slipping nicely in front where I have time to fall correctly. I fall straight down, legs in front of me. Down down down, flat on my butt. If someone had had a camera on me, I could've won the ultimate prize on America's Funniest Videos, I'm sure!

Now, I try to move and couldn't. Freaked out. Finally got myself under control with the help of some other adults and a couple of really helpful floor guards (and a few not so helpful ones!). Got my skates off and got off the floor. Eventually got back over to the group area. Had the group leader round up my kids (who were -thankfully - not on the floor but were playing video games at the time). And called my husband to come pick us up.

After he picked us up, I told him he might as well just go straight to the ER. I already knew I couldn't get into my real doctor and the urgent care wouldn't have X-Ray. I was NOT getting in and out of the car more than once! Just getting into his car (instead of my van? I'm still not sure why I had to get DOWN into a car instead of UP into the van?!?!) made me cry for 10 minutes.

After a 2 hour wait at OPRMC, I finally got taken back and checked out. They think it's one of two things - broken in one of two ways or just bruised. It doesn't feel like a bruise and it hurts whenever I move a certain way. So, I get taken to X-Ray. Yep. I'm broken. Thankfully it wasn't a lumbar fracture as they feared due to the pain radiating up my back. Unfortunately, it's my coccyx (tailbone). Yep, I broke my butt. *sigh*

According to the ER doc, it can take up to 6 weeks to heal this kind of fracture. It's not like they can truly put my butt in a sling - that really is just an expression! There's nothing they or I can do for it except rest and Percocet. Ah - drugs. Very nice if they didn't make me so sick. And being sick and not being able to bend over or sit down is actually worse than the pain without the pills. *sigh again*

I'll see my regular doctor early this week and find out how long I have to go without driving. Meanwhile, I'll be lying at my side at home trying to work on the laptop - it makes typing REALLY slow and painful. *triple sigh*

So, there you have it. March was not going well for me and it finally broke me. If it weren't for my birthday this month, I would probably detest it in the future. But, it will probably just become a long-term joke. Yes, that's me, the *butt* of the joke (and yes, I fully expect any and all booty jokes to come my way).

At least now maybe people will realize I'm not such a harda$$. =)


Ramsey Mohsen said...

OMG. Uh -- wow. I'm glad given the circumstances that 1.) you are OK 2.) you have a good attitude about it.

But... jeez, that's gotta be bad. I wish you the best of luck getting better. Man, I'm trying to imagine what it would feel like and it just seems like it would be gruesome to not be able to sit properly!

Terese get better! Who's going to antagonize me at the office? Who will I get to give a hard time?


Susan said...

First of all- kudos to you for even getting out there on skates because I'm quite certain that I wouldn't have the cajones to do it myself.

Second, rest, rest, rest. And I hope they give you some good drugs that don't make you sick. Take care of yourself and make those boys fetch and carry for you!

Girly girl said...

Oh that sucks bad. Wipeout.

I think I might have broken my tailbone a long time ago when my brothers pulled a chair out from behind me as I was sitting down and landed on the concrete (we were in the basement) but I never had it checked out.

It's one of the reasons I sit in this super cushy chair at work.

Get well soon!

RunToTheFinish said...

OH NO! I'm so sorry, what a crazy weekend. I'd really like to make a butt joke here, but I'm going to try and hold myself back.. it's just so tempting.

Feel better, sleep, drugs, see you next week!

Anonymous said...

I've totally been there. 5th grade, had to carry one of those doghnut pillows to school every day for a month, keeps all the presure off the tailbone - I did it roller skating too. Second time, it was ice skating - then I was in highschool and refused to carry around such embarising things, and carryed arround a regular pillow instead and just let the back of my butt hang off the pillow, in mid air as it were. Good thing the people you work with are much more mature then kids and you won't have to deal with the teasing and whatnot, oh wait, i forgot. Never mind.

Sorry for the pain and suffering, you were so looking forward to the skating too. It sounds like you are trying to get a little work done, so let me know what I can do to make that easier.

Looking forward to seeing you soon...