Tuesday, July 31, 2007


As I'm fairly new to the whole blogging world, I have to give a shout-out to a co-worker and friend of mine, Ramsey. This man (OK, I honestly think of him as a "boy" most of the time given the age difference, but I'm being PC here; he IS over 21!) has got it seriously going on in the world of techno-geekdom.

Not only does he have a very cool blog (albeit with sometimes questionable posts...I'll let you judge for yourself... http://www.acrosstheboardblog.com) he is also doing this new thing called a "life stream".

Essentially, he has a web cam that he takes everywhere with him. He has it at our work (muted, thank goodness!) and at home, out at a bar or bowling and even had permission to bring it into the T-Bones Baseball game when we went with work (AND he got a radio interview for it!). The camera is either focused on him and recording what he's doing (and giving us without a life a front-row seat to watch him) or he's wearing it on a red ball cap and we get to see the world "through his eyes".

When he first told me about this, I personally gave him grief. Called it dumb and seriously wondered about his sanity for awhile. However, for him, I see this as a wonderful addition to his life, at least right now. He's a very outgoing and impressive guy and this just puts him out there in the thick of things a little more. He likes to share pieces of himself with the world at large and this just shares it a bit more.

The reason for accolades to him on MY blog? He's teaching me. Maybe not directly and probably without him realizing it. But, I'm learning to be a little more open each day and share the cool stuff of my life and mind (not just the weird and morbid). Doing this blog is helping me express myself better and helping me learn that if I really want to make the world a better place for my kids, I have to start with ME. Without him, I wouldn't have started a blog - at least not yet.

So - well done Ramsey! May this be a truly positive experience in your life and something you can talk about with your grandkids someday (who will probably be doing the same thing in their day, but as a mandated government tracking program or something!).

http://www.justin.tv/ramsey - check him out!

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