Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Southpaw Research

As the parent of a lefty, I found this article interesting - ""Gene for Left-Handed Trait Discovered" from National Geographic website.

Main points of interest:
  • Gene most closely linked to left-handedness has been found, called LRRTM1.
  • LRRTM1, is also associated with a slight increase in developing certain mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.
  • For right-handed people, he said, the right side of the brain usually controls emotion, while the left side of the brain tends to control speech and language.
  • In left-handers—about 10 percent of the world's population—the pattern is usually reversed.
  • LRRTM1 is not essential for left-handedness, but it can be a strong contributing factor.
  • Left-handers should not be unduly concerned about this link.

So - basically there's this gene that is found in both left-handed people AND in schizophrenics, but as a mom, I shouldn't worry about my left-handed kid BEING a schizophrenic. um - okay....

It is an interesting correlation, however. I wonder if they also find it in people who have ADD and do they see an increased recurrence in lefties with ADD than righties. I ask this because 1) Travis shows signs of ADD, 2) a leftie friend of mine IS ADD, and 3) many actors are lefties and seem to be ADD (and also have a high percentage of dyslexia as well!) I'll need to do more research and see if there's a correlation.

I do have to admit, having mirror twins gives me a change to see how lefties and righties differ on a very basic level - two genetically identical individuals who are developing very differently. Not just in handedness, but in mental acuity, physical ability, and attention span/interests. Maybe this is why I'm considering psychology as a vocation again - I love the research and mentality around twinship!

Completely off original topic now. Read the full article to get back on topic if you desire...

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