Sunday, August 26, 2007

Cleaning cleaning cleaning....

and then maybe more cleaning?

Joe and I spent the day cleaning the back rooms today. Just the office and the porch. I threw out so many old papers and magazines, etc. and he shampooed the rugs. Although this may not sound like the best use of a Sunday (and Joe's only day off this weekend), I personally feel a lot better because these rooms were just YUCKY!

Next (meaning tomorrow night) I hit the front room and the dining room. Kitchen and bathrooms on Tuesday and bedrooms on Wednesday (easy night, except for the sheets).

Why are we doing all this "spring cleaning" in the summer? Cuz, my mommy is coming to visit!

Yep - she hasn't been here since.. well, it's been about a year now I guess! Maybe not. I have "mommy brain" in which anything outside my kids is promptly forgetten within a month (sorry mom!).

Anyway, she's bringing her finance - I mean fiance - with her this time. They're getting married in November and she thought it'd be better for me to meet him BEFORE that happens! lol

Ok mom - the house will be clean. I'll be exhausted until Saturday, but the house will be clean! I promise!! And if it's not - well, just remember where I learned my housekeeping skills from and leave it at that! =)

Now - back to finishing my desk. Maybe. Although hitting the sack sounds a lot more productive at this point...

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