A "now and then" posting of mom notes, cute animal pics, happy news and other items to lighten your world, one day at a time.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Saving Grace (spoiler alert...)
One scene in the episode I saw tonight sort of hit me hard. Very simliar to the file cabinet scene in Bruce Almighty. For some reason, this one hit me harder than the Bruce version - maybe because it wasn't done with an edge of humor as much?
Anyway, in the scene, Earl (the angel) tells Grace she needs to stop lying. Grace replies that she does it just a little bit. And Earl proeeds to unroll a VERY long scroll. Only a little unrolls, but it's still very long. She asks what hat's supposed to be. Earl says "your idea of a little bit."
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I realized I'm a huge horrible lying or anything like that. But, I did get to thinking that if God does indeed keep lists of that kind, I'm in deep kimshe (as my mom would say).
If you start racking up the ill-thoughts, the "white lies", the extremely petty thefts, the coveteous or adultrous thoughts, how many of us would have a short scroll? Because God doesn't see the difference between a white lie and afull-blown out to hurt someone lie. They're both falsehoods and a big "no no" in the land of commandments.
So - thanks Holly. Now I've got to start cleaning up my act over here lest they decide to make a new show called "Saving Terese"...
She was really excited and said "How do you do that?!?!" She really loves that song, but didn't have a clue why I thought it was a good song to describe her.
I spent the next 20 minutes working through some of the lyrics with her, explaining some of the ideas. Like how her life is currently unwritten and she can decide what words go in it. That she can learn to "user her words" in more adult situation and learn to follow her own heart instead of the crowd.
I have to say, I'm usually pretty proud of the choices makes in life. She makes friends with the new students first, she invites the "least popular" of her friends over for our parties, she cheers on everyone on her soccer team (not just the playmakers), she works well with the boys - even when forced, and she gets amazing grades in school.
I know a lot of what I was telling her about her life being unwritten and she can make so many choices was a little over her head. But, she was really interested in reading the lyrics more ("on the bus tomorrow") and I think she really WANTED to understand.
A lot of it was definitely "parenty" words and thoughts. Things she won't get until she's 33, with kids of her own and a life she's still not 100% sure about of it. I look back at 7th grade and see so many things I could have done differently back then that would have changed where I am now.
But, the REST of my life is still unwritten. I mean, I have beautiful kids and a strong, normally suprtive spoouse, a good job that I (usually) like, great friends near and far, a wonderful church home where I'm integrated fairly heavily, etc. etc. etc. The only thing I still feel like I'm missing is a sense of purpose. Or, rather, a sense that I'm fulfilling God's purpose for my life. Some day, I believe my book will be completed when I discover and fulfill that purpose.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Back Blogging - again...
deal with it...
First day of school
Surprise Party
Cleaning cleaning cleaning....
Joe and I spent the day cleaning the back rooms today. Just the office and the porch. I threw out so many old papers and magazines, etc. and he shampooed the rugs. Although this may not sound like the best use of a Sunday (and Joe's only day off this weekend), I personally feel a lot better because these rooms were just YUCKY!
Next (meaning tomorrow night) I hit the front room and the dining room. Kitchen and bathrooms on Tuesday and bedrooms on Wednesday (easy night, except for the sheets).
Why are we doing all this "spring cleaning" in the summer? Cuz, my mommy is coming to visit!
Yep - she hasn't been here since.. well, it's been about a year now I guess! Maybe not. I have "mommy brain" in which anything outside my kids is promptly forgetten within a month (sorry mom!).
Anyway, she's bringing her finance - I mean fiance - with her this time. They're getting married in November and she thought it'd be better for me to meet him BEFORE that happens! lol
Ok mom - the house will be clean. I'll be exhausted until Saturday, but the house will be clean! I promise!! And if it's not - well, just remember where I learned my housekeeping skills from and leave it at that! =)
Now - back to finishing my desk. Maybe. Although hitting the sack sounds a lot more productive at this point...
Monday, August 20, 2007
First Day of School!
- 15-minute walk (1/2 mile) with both mom AND dad to school
- Spent time learning the new routine
- Met new friends in their regular classroom
- Ate lunch like the big kids do (not all kindergarteners get to do that!)
- Got reacquainted with some T-Ball friends in "Kindergarten Enrichment"
- Had TWO recesses - one of which included a "dirt fight" according to Thomas
- Got picke dup by BOTH mom and dad
- Had a special "celebratory" dinner
Not a bad first day of school at all! Here's what they looked right, just before we left for the long, hot walk:
Monday, August 13, 2007
Math Book for GIRLS?
Anyway, to give the jist of the item, it's a math book written by Winnie - not "the Pooh". Winnie Cooper, aka Danica McKellar from "The Wonder Years". She's a summa cum laude grad in Mathematics from UCLA. She really WAS the smart girl she portrayed!
Anyway, according to the Wired article, she basically said she's on a mission to help girls see math as something accessible and fun, not scary. I think this is a GREAT idea (cuz I personally was good at math, but never wanted to admit it, lest people think I was more of a freak than they already did)!
So, Emily, if you're reading this - guess what your back-to-school present is going to be...
Give ya one guess and I'm sure you'll be 100% correct! =)
Back to school news
School starts on Monday!! WOW! They had a back to school bash tonight. Not fun with 3 kids in tow in a building we've never been in before! Boys were scared at first, but they relzed after awhile, especially when they realized they'd be in their own room, with their own
We found out the twins are indeed in the same class and have the teacher we were hoping they'd get.
The school made a big deal about having backpacks that fit into their "lockers". However, we found out tonight, kindergarteners don't HAVE lockers! AARRGGHH! But, we did find matching Spiderman backbacks (or pack backs as the boys call them) with lunchboxes and thermoses that the boys LOVE (thankfully, since all Transformers were SOLD OUT!)
Tom is excited they get an ART class every week; Travis is excited for MUSIC class each week. Both are looking forward to both computer classes and weekly library trips. We met all the teachers for each of those areas and the boys were so funny - shy until they found out the subject they taught. When we met the art teacher, Travis said "THOMAS! You get to color and draw and paint and all the crazy stuff you like!" Tom just rolled his eyes, shook the teacher's hand and then ran over to check out all the supplies. Too funny!
We have another meeting tomorrow night - about the after school program and "kindergarten enrichment" program. KE basically fills up the rest of hte day for a half-day kindergarten. Who ever thought up half day kindergarten should be flogged! (that's for a different post though - too tired to rant!). Friday is their open house where they get to meet other kids in their class and then Monday it all starts new. Whoo hoo!!
Happy Left-Handers Day!
National Left-Handers Day Official Site: http://www.lefthandersday.com/
Some sites you lefties might like (or if you want to get a leftie gift!)
Hope you had a great right-brained day!! =)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Southpaw Research
Main points of interest:
- Gene most closely linked to left-handedness has been found, called LRRTM1.
- LRRTM1, is also associated with a slight increase in developing certain mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.
- For right-handed people, he said, the right side of the brain usually controls emotion, while the left side of the brain tends to control speech and language.
- In left-handers—about 10 percent of the world's population—the pattern is usually reversed.
- LRRTM1 is not essential for left-handedness, but it can be a strong contributing factor.
- Left-handers should not be unduly concerned about this link.
So - basically there's this gene that is found in both left-handed people AND in schizophrenics, but as a mom, I shouldn't worry about my left-handed kid BEING a schizophrenic. um - okay....
It is an interesting correlation, however. I wonder if they also find it in people who have ADD and do they see an increased recurrence in lefties with ADD than righties. I ask this because 1) Travis shows signs of ADD, 2) a leftie friend of mine IS ADD, and 3) many actors are lefties and seem to be ADD (and also have a high percentage of dyslexia as well!) I'll need to do more research and see if there's a correlation.
I do have to admit, having mirror twins gives me a change to see how lefties and righties differ on a very basic level - two genetically identical individuals who are developing very differently. Not just in handedness, but in mental acuity, physical ability, and attention span/interests. Maybe this is why I'm considering psychology as a vocation again - I love the research and mentality around twinship!
Completely off original topic now. Read the full article to get back on topic if you desire...