Monday, February 16, 2009


My babies are going to be 7 years old on Saturday. How did that happen?

It really doesn't feel like that long ago that I was carrying two baby carriers into church (occasionally pushing the double stroller in, cuz I just couldn't handle both at one time alone) and watching them curl around each other in one crib. Now, we're breaking up fights over Bakugan and telling them they can't watch Sponge Bob anymore.

We've gone from painting their big toes to tell them apart to them automatically correcting us when we get the names wrong. (yes, I can't tell my own kids apart sometimes - they're a little too identical at times!)

They've gone from learning to walk to being told to quit running through the house.

They've gone from not being able to talk to singing their own made-up songs, yelling in celebration at sporting events and reading above current grade level.

I used to worry about making sure they were treated as "individuals" by teachers and even strangers and now I just wish they'd learn to share and not worry about what's "theirs".

They're such wonderful little boys and yet some days I wish I had my babies back. Wish that I could go back and fix some of the things I know I did wrong. Wish I could pick them both up at the same time and rock them to sleep. Heck, sometimes I'd just like to go back a couple years where I could pick ONE of them up!

I'm not really sure how we've gotten 7 years in the future already. It's just amazing to me. So, let's not mention how it is that I'll be 35 in a few weeks. I really don't want to know where all THOSE years have gone...


The Knedler Clan said...

If you find out where all those years have gone, please let me know. I'd like find the past 8 years or so!;)

TnT Momma said...

One thing I find amazing is that you (Teri) and I have been friends since we were our kids' ages! How wild is that?? :-)