Regardless of my human/vampiric nature, this is my "interview" - a little twist on the "about me" type posts that's sweeping the blog and FB worlds. Basically, someone posts their Q/A statements from someone, reader reads them then asks to be interviewed. Interviewee becomes interviewer and a cycle is henceforth perpetuated.
This particular set of questions comes from my co-worker/friend Amanda - my running mentor and a happiness guru. I'm assuming that once another friend reads these questions and asks to be interviewed, I ask them questions then I can turn-around and ask THEM to interview ME with their own questions. Interesting cycle and it can go on as long as people are willing to play and can think up different questions.
Personally, I'm going to add one caveat for my interviewees - you must answer quickly! Pretend you're sitting across from Barbara Walters or Katie Couric or some other annoying talk show host and that you're on live TV. No time to think of just the right answer or be sure it's Politically Correct or anything like that. I think that will make our answers a lot more insightful!
So, without further ado or gilding the lily, here's my first interview:
1.) What has running taught you about yourself?Several things actually. First, that I'm seriously out of shape in addition to being overweight. Ugh. The past smoking thing has really decreased my lung capacity and that's the hardest thing for me to overcome physically right now. But, I've also learned that I'm stronger than I thought and that I have the fortitude to push forward even when I really don't want to. And I've learned that I need to look towards internal acceptance and support cuz I'm not going to get a lot of external support from the people closest to me. This is a truth I need to apply to more areas of my life than just running, but running is where I learned it and will first apply it. (BTW - the picture is of my actual running shoes. I love them!)
2.) Are you a risk taker or avoider and why?I like to think of myself as a 'calculated-risk taker'. That usually gets me into trouble, but less than if I was an "all abandon risk taker". I've learned the worst thing that can happen is someone says no. Or I lose my job. Or I lose some material possession. Or I might break a body part or two. All of these are things that can be overcome or replaced or healed. However, when it comes to my family, I tend to be a little less of a risk-taker, cuz I can't replace them. I also don't like direct confrontation - too many experiences where verbal confrontation turned into a physical confrontation. If there's even a hint that something could switch from verbal to physical I avoid it. Except with my kids - I can still take them!
3.) What does spirituality mean to you? This is probably the hardest of the 5 questions for me. If the question had been more like "What does being a Christian mean to you?" I could spout off on that pretty easy. Spirituality is a lot harder to define for me. I guess it has to do with being at peace with oneself and with the world. Not necessarily a specific aspect of the world, but in general, just feeling in harmony with what's happening around one's self. For me, music, passion and praise are big parts of spirituality. All music is a passionate self-expression of something and that's the biggest defining piece of spirituality to me. And yeah, Amanda, I think I know where you were going with this one. That's assuming you had an "ulterior motive". But sometimes I think too much. :)
4.) If you could only listen to 1 song for all your runs what would it be?'Bitch' by Meredith Brooks. It's actually my PowerSong on my iPod so I can grab it anytime I need a burst of adrenaline on my runs. It encompasses so much about being a strong self-assured woman and all the various roles a woman can play. I can relate each of the characteristics listed to myself, either right now or at sometime in my life. And honestly, I think a strong self-assured woman is that most real men want and that belief puts a kick in my step. Plus, it's just got a decent beat - 94 bpm in regular time or 188 in 'double-time'. :-) (View lyrics and hear a sound clip)
Bit of movie-music trivia (spoiler alert!) - this is the song Mel Gibson puts on when he's trying out the female products before he get electrocuted in 'What Women Want'. That's the first time I heard it and it's been a part of my life ever since!
5.) What makes you proudest as a parent?========================================
To play along:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. ( I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Interview me. . .
Ok, here's your answers:)
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