Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Seriously, I CAN do this!

I promised it wouldn't be that long between blogs, and yet here it is a week later almost and I haven't posted anything! I know it can't be THIS hard...

Maybe it's not the blog, it's simply the amount of time I have in a given day. And even though writing this kind of thing only takes 10 or 15 minutes, I always seem to spend a lot more time on the computer when I pop on to do this.

Anyway, enough whining. Here's what's going on...

Boys were supposed to have their first t-ball practice tonight but it got cancelled. We're not sure why it was cancelled, as it was a beautiful night, but that's neither here nor there. As they were all excited about it and it was nice in the backyard, we pulled out our own T and let them hit and field for about 45 minutes or so. They loved it! When I got home, I got to watch Joe showing them how to square up to the plate, figure out how far to stand from the T with their little bat and call them girls names when they threw the ball to the ground instead of to him. It's was pretty funny. I realized what a good coach he was and how much he loved doing it. But, he told me later that he just didn't have the patience with his own kids to actually be their coach. I didn't see that, but if that's what he thinks, then I'll let him believe it and just do the backyard thing with them! =)

We got to watch American Idol while eating Sloppy Joes after t-ball practice (and baths!) and the boys weren't too excited with the Bee Gee songs. Can't blame them there - Jordin was the only one who actually sounded good. We think it's because she sang songs the Bee Gees WROTE, but didn't perform themselves!

I'm trying to finish a book called "Looking for God in Harry Potter". It's a pretty interesting read but got very heavy-handed (read: big words) at the very end and I'm lost. Maybe cuz I just can't concentrate for more than 5 minutes on it. It does give a whole new perspective for me on the series (which I loved anyway!) so now I have to go back and reread the first 6 - just gives me something to fill the time until #7 comes out in July! But, I can look for new symbols and ideas in all of them this read-through.

Otherwise, life is pretty quiet and "normal". I just hit my 4 year anniversary at DEG and my annual review is this week. {{chewing nervously on fingernails}} It should be fine - I'm not really expecting a lot of negative feedback or a big raise (Neal, if you read this, ignore the raise part - I'd LOVE a big raise!) As long as they don't hit me with stuff that happened LAST year, I'll probably come out unscathed and happy.

That's it for now. At least for the "journal" post. Gonna go hunt for other things to post...

Have a great day!

OH - and don't miss my little Zwinky over on the side. That might change from time to time, depending on what's going on. And seriously, yes, that's how I'm thinking of getting my hair done in a week or so!

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