Wednesday, May 02, 2007

American Idol

I have to admit, publicly, I'm a huge AI fan. Not the beginning part where they make fun of people - I actually really hate that part. But I do like the beginning where there's all these amazing kids and young people who screw up their courage, get in a group of thousands of people, sing in front of Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell (him alone would scare the bejesus out of me!), and pray that their God-given talent is recognized and they are put through to Hollywood.

If they make it to Hollywood, they have a chance to sing in front of millions - yes MILLIONS - of people who then get to decide every week if they stay or go. Each week they get to transform songs - normally well-known songs - into 2 minute blurbs to showcase their best singing assests, while adding some stage presence to get the crowd excited about their act. The next night, they get to sit through Ryan Seacrest's filler and rewinds of the night before and chew their nails waiting for the results. Ouch!

So - why do I like this show? Lots of reasons...
  1. Simon. Yes, I like Simon. He's English, blunt and to the point. Most people DON'T like him. But I do. Mostly because I think I'm a lot like him. He's telling these kids the truth - and sometimes that hurts. Alot. He can be a little tactless sometimes, granted, but I think he simply wants to get it into their heads that this is TOUGH - it's HARD - and very very DEMANDING. Not just the show but the career - the life - the "idol"ness. And if they can't stand a little criticism on their craft now, they won't survive in that business.

  2. Paula. She is ALWAYS a breathe of fresh air. Even when she's telling someone they're bad, she just does it so darn SWEETLY! I've been a fan of hers since her own pop idol days - especially her video with MC Skat Cat. She's a Hollywood icon to me and she's wonderful.

  3. Randy. Of course. He's always 'keeping it real, dawg'. The fact the he was in Journey just endears him to me even more. He's a cross between Paula and Simon. He tells it like it is most of the time, just sometimes a little nicer than Simon.

  4. The band! My goodness, they are wonderful! Learning twelve new songs each week for many weeks, adjusting to each singers tempo, pitch, voice indiviudally is just amazing. The piano player (I think it's the same each week) changes song keys and other details at the mere suggestion from any pro they get on there to make the song work for the singer. I'm in awe of this group! Maybe that's just the band geek in me though - always was my dream to be in a professional band. =)

  5. The music. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much. I personally don't like it when a singer makes a popular, Top-40 ( Top-10!) song "their own". Certain songs are meant to be sung the way it is. But sometimes, a singer just really nails a song and makes it theirs in a way never before heard. Like Katharine with "Black Horse & a Cherry Tree", or any song that Taylor did last season, Blake's rendition of "You Give Love A Bad Name", or Kelly Clarkson & Carrie Underwood - those two ladies just ROCK! I've even been watching AI Rewind so I can watch Kelly all over again - and catch myself cheering her on or crying over the tension - and I KNOW whe's going to win!

  6. The families. Parent, siblings, grandparents, spouses, children and close friends. They encourage and support - from the theatre back to home states. People who spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars in support of these dreams - from childhood all the way through the day the are voted off the stage. And beyond. They cry, they cheer, they sing along. They're amazing!

I could probably keep going, but you get the idea. They could lose the obviously bad singers in the first 4 or 5 weeks, lose Ryan (or at least tell him to give up the sniping with Simon - it's just annoying!) and lose the frustrating and heart-wrenching portions of the "results show" and making it touching and wonderful instead. Keep the rest. It's an amazing show that truly gives someone a chance to completely flip their world upside down and use the talent God gave them for a positive influence on the world.

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