Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adoption Issues

Probably confused you a little with that title, huh? No, we're not looking to adopt - 3 is more than enough, especially when 2 are twin boys!

No, tonight Travis came in the front room after his bath just in time to see the last 2 minutes of a House re-run I had stopped on. Of course these 2 minutes included two of the characters having a tryst in the supply closet. The resulting conversation went like this (with dad just smirking in the background...)

Travis: Oh. They're going to have sex aren't they?

- stunned silence -

Me: um. (open mouthed stare between son, hubby and TV while the comment sunk in...)

Travis: They are. *sigh* Does it have to be a boy and a girl?

Me: Well, honey, it does tend to work better that way. (Hubby still just sitting there trying not to crack up. Me thinking "isn't this a father/son conversation?? how did I get dragged into THIS one??")

Travis: No, I get that. [Me thinking: CRAP.] I mean, to get a baby does it have to be a boy and girl.

Me: um. Yeah. That's kind of required.

Travis: Oh. But I just want to have kids. I don't want the sex.

Me: (with light dawning anew...) OH. Well, that's probably ok. You're too young anyway. (seriously - where was my BRAIN?)

Travis: I know that silly. No sex till I'm MUCH older (giggling) I mean when I get growed up. I want kids but I don't want to do that stuff with a girl. Can't I just get the kids?

Me: Well sure honey. You could always adopt.

Travis: What's apopped?

Me: no, a.dop.tah. You could get a kid and raise it like it's your own.

Travis: Mom, could you just explain it so a kid like me could understand?

[ok - how to explain adoption to an almost 7 yr old little boy. For reference, this is NOT the way...]

Me: (after a few failed attempts of trying to explain) Let's look at it this way. You know how we go to the pet store and there's all these little puppies without mom and dad doggies? And you guys want to bring one home to love and feed and take care of since they don't have mommies and daddies? Well, there's sometimes little babies and kids without mommies and daddies. They're called 'orphans'. And you could ask to take care of one.

Travis: But wouldn't their mom and dad miss them?

Me: They probably don't have moms and dads. That's why they would need you to adopt them.

Travis: Well, that's not right. They got borned so they have a mom and dad and we shouldn't take them away.

Me: Well, if they're up for adoption and they're orphans, then they don't have moms and dads. Maybe they died.

Travis: no.

Me: No? No to what honey?

Travis: no their mom and dad didn't die. but, maybe we could live near them and they could be like sissy. She has two homes with two moms and two dads. So, we could adopt a kid to take care of and they could still live with their mom and dad and just go back and forth between us. And everyone would be happy. And no sex.

Me: Ooooookay. That works for me. We'll talk about this again when you're all grown up, ok?

Travis: ok. when I'm big like you. Can I have ice cream now?

So - am I raising a really warped child or an extremely sensitive one? I'm so confused...and I'm fairly certain he will be one day as well! :-)


The Knedler Clan said...

That is too cute! I think my mouth would still be open from just the sex remark! Next time, let me know that the girls they visit and swim with are adopted. Sometimes people just can't take care of the babies they have. . .but they still have a mommy & daddy, just not the one that they were "born" to:) I don't think the girls even really understand it either!!

TnT Momma said...

I completely forgot about two of your kids being adopted! they're just such a part of you and your family. If he bring sit up again, I'll definitely need to remember that!