Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 in Facebook Status Updates

Reprisal of 2008 in Facebook Status Updates. For some reason, I don't have updates for Jan Feb or half of March. Weird. If you're actually reading all these, you probably need a little bit of help - or you're my stalker. Either way, enjoy! (cuz really, I did this for myself, for record purposes.)

12 - Terese is searching for random old high school pals and college boyfriends. you know - wasting time... :). 12:11am
17 - Terese is wishing she took Spring Break off with her kids - a good family vacation is definitely needed by ALL of us! 12:05pm
19 - Terese is trying to get more DEGers involved in the brackets. Seriously people - what's the deal?? 9:28am

04 - Terese is wishing pain meds would kick in. wait...haven't taken yet. crap! 9:45pm
05 - Terese is wondering how she's gonna pull off doing KidStuf with a broken butt. *sigh*. 11:34pm
06 - Terese is wanting another day to the weekend; in desparate need of a vaycay! 9:50pm
07 - Terese launched today - whoo hoo! two months till the PAR-TAY! 8:54pm
13 - Terese is hungry! waiting for the pizza - wait...IT'S HERE!!! 6:35pm
13 - Terese is full. pizza was good. now she's bored and Facebooking. *yawn*. 9:23pm
15 - Terese is trying to find a better way to spend her quiet evening beesides facebooking. sheesh! 9:19pm
17 - Terese is laughing at Bil's inadvertent SuperWall perversity. wondering who he REALLY meant to sent those things to!! 1:05pm
20 - Terese is wondering how her happy day went to pot so quickly. 3:04pm
22 - Terese is wondering if a bunch of men took stupid pills recently. Seriously - why can't we all just get along?? 9:44am
23 - Terese is wondering if it's worth it. 9:43am
24 - Terese just realized she's OFF WORK tomorrow. no, she knew it, but it jsut hit home...whoo hoo!!! 9:05pm
27 - Terese had 3 days off work and is still stressed and exhausted. She needs a MUCH longer vacation (sans kids). 6:04pm
30 - Terese is getting ready to go to the Zoo - new entrance grand opening preview party. whoo hoo! 3:25pm
30 - Terese is wondering why she's not asleep yet. Seriously. She's tired. 9:20pm

01 - Terese is hating/loving the weather right now. Deathly afraid of thunrderstorms, but love the clean/cool feeling of the rain. Complex, no? 7:58pm
02 - Terese is trying to bfigure out how to spend her half day alone - cleaning the house or SLEEPING...either way, just enjoying hte peace and QUIET! 1:21pm
03 - Terese wonders what the frig happened to her weekend. How is it Saturday night already? :-(. 7:52pm
04 - Terese is in dire need of a REAL vacation - no kids, no spouse, no house - just a book and a beach. *sigh*. 11:34pm
05 - Terese is learning to be joyfuyl even when she's not happy. Swear that makes sense - just ask how! 10:11pm
07 - Terese is awaiting her annual review today. Cross fingers please... 9:09am
08 - Terese Thank Goodness TOMORROW Is Friday! ;-). 10:36pm
09 - Terese TGIF TGIF TGIF!!! 3:23pm
10 - Terese is hanging out with the teenage blonde on a saturday night. Yep - living on the wild side! 10:52pm
11 - Terese should be well rested - Mom's Day was me, snacks, some books and the TV. Peace & quiet for 10 hours - what a gift! 10:21pm
12 - Terese thinks kindergarteners doing homework is ridiculous - especially the last week of school! 8:43pm
13 - Terese is happy cuz BOTH of her boys moved up to GREEN belt tonight. Whoo Hoo!! 10:12pm
15 - Terese is getting ready for the midnight showing of Prince Caspian. Who's idea was this anyway?? :-). 10:38pm
16 - Terese is in dire need of a coffee IV this morning. But, the movie was worth it! 11:00am
17 - Terese just got back from a grad. party. One of my closest friends has a daughter graduating from HS - I feel old! 6:34pm
18 - Terese is sunburnt and not ready for Monday. Seriously - when's the vacation?? 10:16pm
26 - Terese is watching Zathura for the 2nd time today. Gotta love little boys controlling the remote! 8:21pm
29 - Terese just learned the hard way that our tub is not really porcelein. Crud. Any ideas on how to make a gray tub white again after it's been half scrubbed off? HELP!! 4:31pm
29 - Terese is bored and actually ready for bed at 9pm. WTF? 9:17pm
30 - Terese is wondering why, if she was ready for bed at 9, she's still up at midniight?! 12:05am

31 - Terese is. Tonight, that should be enough. 12:35am

01 - Terese doesn't really want to be, but she is. *sigh*. 11:23pm
02 - Terese wonders if she put her real status up here, how many people would freak - and how long would it take them to even notice? 10:07pm
03 - Terese wants to know if it's FRIDAY yet?? it? 10:23pm
05 - Terese is happy - only 2 hours until FRIDAY and only 20 until Jazzoo! whoo hoo! 9:54pm
05 - Terese less than 24 hours now - and the margurita bar is the FIRST stop @ Jazzoo! 6:36pm
07 - Terese feels like she's had a hangover all day - even though the drinks were minimal last night. *sigh*. 10:41pm
07 - Terese just got home from Jazzoo - good night, but sad time as well. When will the world ever be right for all friends at the SAME time? 12:57am
08 - Terese just had a 2 hour talk-time with the hubby - nothing major, jsut catching up and cuddling. what a nice change of pace! 10:30pmEditTerese saw the movie - definitely more kid-oriented but still fun. Now - it's LASAGNA time! YAY!! 5:37pm
08 - Terese is heading to church than to see Kung Fu Panda. whoo hoo! 9:49am
09 - Terese is counting down to her VACATION - it's only Ohio, but still... 6:44pm
10 - Terese : trying to focus on work. maybe closing Facebook would help? 1:00pm
11 - Terese is counting down...only 7 days, 6 hours until VACATION! 11:34am
12 - Terese is counting down...only 6 days, 6 hours until VACATION! 12:02pm
12 - Terese is counting down...only 6 days until VACATION (and only 3.5 are working days!)! 5:01pm
13 - Terese is counting down...only 4 days, 18 hours until VACATION (and only 3 are working days!)! 10:51pm
15 - Terese : 72 hours until mom gets here - whoo hoo! 8:18pm
16 - Terese is deligently cleaning the office. Boring, yes? 9:17pm
16 - Terese gave up on cleaning the office as soon as the status update was in place. Ah the internet...what a lovely place to get lost in! 10:58pm
17 - Terese is realizing there is NOTHING packed and nothing READY to pack for the trip in 38 hours! HELP!! 9:54pm
18 - Terese : only 13 hours until mom gets here - let the fun and games begin! 8:07am
18 - Terese is celebrating 11 days off from work - sorry lisa - had to rub it in one more time... =). 11:30pm
19 - Terese wishes the hotel had better wireless connection. *sigh*. 9:35pm
20 - Terese thinks brining TWO laptops to Ohio was a great idea. Immersed in Count of Monte Cristo while boys watch a cartoon. WHOO HOO! 8:55pm
21 - Terese watched her little cousin get married today. Such a cute couple!! Congrats Mel & David!! 9:57pm
22 - Terese is ready for the vacation to be least the Ohio part. 7:55pm
23 - Terese was sending WORK emails at 1:30 AM EST on a Sunday during vacation week - glutton for punishment or die-hard workaholic? You decide! 12:38am
23 - Terese wants a day to just sit and read a book. Seriously - a VACATION day! 9:06pm
27 - Terese is playing with her new iPod Nano and listening to her kids cough in a weird little harmony. Oh the joys... 9:45pm
30 - Terese is SO ready for a vacation...what? you say the vacation just ended? really??? oh CARP! *sigh*. 12:38pm

01 - Terese is sick and unhappy. 9:27am
03 - Terese loving that she can watch a movie on her new little ipod while working! multi-tasking at it's absolute finest! 1:08pm
03 - Terese wishes the NyQuil would kick in so she can quit coughing and get some sleep! 10:53pm
04 - Terese wishes everyone a very happy Independence Day! Let the fireworks begin (in 12 hours or so...when it's you can see them...) 9:11am
04 - Terese thinks 6 yr old boys should NOT be allowed near even the simplest fireworks. But the hubby overruled this year... 11:37pm
05 - Terese just wants to feel better. no doctors, no medicine. just divine intervention. 4:10pm
05 - Terese had a relaxing night with Tina. And wishes certain men would just get a CLUE! 10:20pm
06 - Terese really hates when people question her intelligence. 11:16pm
08 - Terese was called an ANGEL today. There truly is a FIRST TIME for everything! :). 2:00pm
10 - Terese dislikes bald-faced liars. You know - the ones that tell you one thing while they're planning or doing the exact opposite. 8:58pm
13 - Terese just is...and is pretty tired of it. 1:02am
13 - Terese wishes people could see what's TRULY inside. 1:33pm
13 - Terese is deciding the best way out. 5:05pm
16 - Terese is worried about her friend. 3:06pm
17 - Terese wishes she had made plans to see the Dark Knight in 30 minutes. Midnight Movie + Heath Ledger + the BEST Superhero of all times? Priceless. 11:30pm
18 - Terese wonders why she woke up arly today. Still sleepy. Too weird. *yawn*. 7:19am
20 - Terese thinks workweeks should be 2 days and weekends 5 days. Not a new thought in the world, but one worth visiting again... 11:11pm
23 - Terese just finished a meeting with very nice people who occasionally drive her batty. 4:44pm
24 - Terese just hired her MOM as a contractor for a project. How cool is that? :). 12:49pm
24 - Terese is ready for her next vacation - even if it is a trip to Texas. 8:01pm
29 - Terese really is NOT ready for Texas. But at least her husband finally made hotel arrangements! 9:53am

03 - Terese is back from Texas. Not a bad trip after all. And had time to read all of "Breaking Dawn" - yeah, she's a Twilight Mom. :-). 8:09pm
04 - Terese is back at work and trying to concentrate. Eventually, she will get a REAL vacation! :). 10:12am
11 - Terese is watching the American men be AMAZING in gymnastics and wishes the sky were clearer to watch the meteor shower tonight. 10:50pm
11 - Terese is watching the American men in gymnastics and wishing the sky were clearer to watch the meteor shower tonight. 11:07pm
11 - Terese is celebrating the men's gymnastics bronze. USA! USA! USA! 11:44pm
12 - Terese is trying to get through the last hour and finish up 20 things before having 3 days off again. NOT GONNA HAPPEN! 4:09pm
12 - Terese is watching more Olympics. Really wishing money wasn't always an issue or she'd have a seat at ALL the events she could get into! 9:34pm
12 - Terese is now a total Phelps fan. 5 for 5 and all WR to boot. Holy crow that boy ROCKS in the water! 10:31pm
13 - Terese is eating breakfast with her boys. And it's not poptarts! Wow - what a nice change! 9:36am
13 - Terese is watching more Olympics. Whoo hoo! 9:21pm
14 - Terese just spent over an hour catching up via IM with her bestest friend. 'Berly ROCKS! 10:00pm
15 - Terese is watching - wait for it - - - - - the Olympics. Wow - what a surpirse this week, huh? Way to go Phelps on a very close #7 gold! 10:24pm
17 - Terese has taken Olympic watching too far - badmiton and table tennis? She is so needing a LIFE! 4:25pm
17 - Terese is posting pictures while watching the Olympics. It's a full night of FUN in the Babcock household! 9:31pm
18 - Terese is blogging again. Whoo hoo. 10:47pm
19 - Terese is working. Again. whoo hoo. 9:57am
19 - Terese is working while she could be watching Olympic water polo? why? A real TV is needed at the office... 1:11pm
19 - Terese is slowly losing it. 10:07pm
24 - Terese wishes she could just lose her mind completely. Four padded walls sounds so much easier to mantain than a house with 3 males in it. 10:12pm
25 - Terese took her first step in the marathon training today. SO out of shape! 8:48pm

01 - Terese needs the family to realize that "supporting the marathon dream" means more than yelling "GO MOM" at the race! 8:37pm
03 - Terese is gearing up to get down on Friday night! 9:52pm
04 - Terese just finished another walk on the marathon trail. MUCH faster inside on the flat treadmill than outside on the hills (that's a surprise to no one, right?). 9:14pm
06 - Terese wished she knew of a way to fix her feet. WAY too much dancing tonight at Treads and Threads! Good times! 1:18am
06 - Terese was awakend much too early by excited twins who were visited by a generous tooth fairy last night. Ah - the joys of motherhood after partying. :). 9:04am
08 - Terese is having a very intense week - and it's only lunchtime on Monday. How long until Friday?? 1:23pm
08 - Terese is wondering WTF - marathon? 26.2 miles? By March? seriously?? 6:38pm
09 - Terese has a headache from trying to coordinate content for four different sites with four different project leads + leading five current pro bono projects of her own. 4:55pm
09 - Terese returned to karate tonite - thankfully NOT the only adult in class. 9:35pm
11 - Terese is eating Pei Wei for a very late lunch. YUM! 2:07pm
11 - Terese is either really tired or just easily amused - laughing out loud at the Nike+ Mini Me doing a funky dance after today's run/walk. Too cute! 11:16PM
12 - Terese is heading for home on half-day Friday - "mommy quiet time" is here at last! 1:23pm
13 - Terese is ticked because she couldn't even finish a 20-minute walk this morning - fell off the freakin' treadmill! Maybe a second try is in order tonight... 1:34pm
14 - Terese is considering using Benadryl to calm her boys on a nightly basis. Something about bedtime just makes them NUTS! 9:09pm
15 - Terese is up at 5:30 am. Why? No idea. Don't like it though! 5:41am
15 - Terese is trying to work. Not caring doesn't help. Probably that 5:30 AM waking thing. *YAWN*. 10:55am
16 - Terese is somewhat overwhelmed and extremelly under-caffeinated. Better than the opposite... 11:34am
17 - Terese is dreading 2 weeks without being able to harass Tina. She better bring me a back a nice German gift (hint hint). 11:15am
17 - Terese just finished a 25-minute walk/run - almost 2 miles! Personal best on both fronts. Whoo hoo! :-). 9:56pm
18 - Terese finished another "long" run - couldn't quite hit the 25-minute mark, but did get to basically 1.5 miles. Still happy with progres... 9:15pm
19 - Terese knows the house needs a thorough cleaning but can't find the energy to start the job. Guess that's what the weekend is for... 4:21pm
20 - Terese is heading to the twins' first football game - whoo hoo! 6:53am
22 - Terese is tired of being too fatigued to complete even a 30 minute run. What is wrong here?? 10:21pm
24 - Terese is eating an EARLY lunch for once and testing an auction site. Fun times... 11:51am
24 - Terese is tired but happy. Best ever in 4 areas in tonight's workout...30 minutes, 2 miles, decent pace (for me) & 285 calories burned. And only 185 days to go... :-). 10:14pm
27 - Terese watched her boys to victory in their 2nd football game Yay Jags! 11:41am
28 - Terese is "lobster girl" (sunburnt) from watching her boys play football in 90 degree heat. Owwie. :-(. 10:38pm
29 - Terese is extremely annoyed by the amount of homework 1st graders have - math, reading and spelling EVERY NIGHT - 45 minutes. When, exactly, do they get to be KIDS? 9:39pm

01 - Terese is. And some days, that's enough. 9:53pm
02 - Terese is trying to work while watching the Mummy 2. Fun fun fun! 10:15pm
03 - Terese hopes her WHOLE OFFICE will wear pink and give $$ on Monday for Back in the Swing. There's only 6 women out of 30 associates. Should be interesting! :-). 12:39pm
07 - Terese just sent the first email for the 4th Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party to almost 900 people!! Are you on the list? Join up at! 5:45pm
08 - Terese is fighting with her closet. Nothing wants to go together today! 8:55am
08 - Terese just took the "Dr. Phil Personality Test" and the results said she's "The Lively Center of Attention" - wow, is THAT ever WRONG! 10:28pm
09 - Terese is lovin' her new HilllOween shirt - do you have yours yet? Get one at! 6:02pm
11 - Terese is headed out to the Pumpkin Run/Walk. Wish her luck! 6:59am
11 - Terese finished the Pumpkin Run! Waiting for race results to post 'official' time...stay tuned. 11:59am
11 - Terese My official race time says '51:17'; IPOD time says '41:04' - thougth chip timing was supposed to be your EXACT time, not your time from race start. Confused... 2:37pm
13 - Terese cannot believe it's Monday. How exactly did that happen? 8:04am
14 - Terese is heading off to karate class with the boys and leaving daddy at home to do laundry. Not sure who got the better end of this deal... 6:23pm
14 - Terese has a headache and a heartache right now. 11:13pm
15 - Terese is thinking about her blog post on poverty right now. It will actually be written sometime today... 9:25am
15 - Terese posted for blog action day - check it - (or Facebook notes once it imports...) 2:21pm
16 - Terese thought it was Wednesday all day. She could actually use the extra day this week! 5:18pm
17 - Terese wants to leave - it's after 12:00 people. Quit giving more work on a half day!!! 2:00pm
17 - Terese is planning out Saturday - too much to do for Halloween and that's still 2 weeks away! 9:28pm
18 - Terese is headed out to HillOween - FINALLY! 6:55pm
19 - Terese wonders where the weekend went. Oh yeah - football, parties, shopping, more football and sick kids. Good times... 9:17pm
20 - Terese has been staring into space all day wishing she could drop the headache. 9:07pm
21 - Terese is watching Alvin & the Chipmunks to cheer up her sick boy. Hard to concentrate on work while listening to singing chipmunks... 1:10pm
21 - Terese has moved on to "Over the Hedge" for her sick boy. Oh, PLEASE let him feel better tomorrow... 2:48pm
21 - Terese is wishing she could take one more day off just for herself - no sick kids - just her and a cluttered house to be cleaned... 9:17pm
22 - Terese slept too late and can't get her kids to wake up. Maybe we shouldn't be returning to our regular lives yet... 7:48am
22 - Terese is done with a busy busy day. Now - back to the house for dinner and cleaning. whoo hoo... 5:51pm
22 - Terese picked up lots of legos, hot wheels and craft stuff, scrubbed the stained carpet and vacuumed. Eventually, more than one room will get cleaned in this house... 9:54pm
23 - Terese is heading to bed at 8:45...what's the world coming to? 8:42pm
26 - Terese is watching the Cowboys and getting ready to carve pumpkins. Ahh - October! 1:36pm
27 - Terese is getting another cup of coffee and trying to get motivated for Monday work. Yea - finally getting motivated at noon. 12:00pm
27 - Terese is heading home ON TIME to grab the boys and rush to Karate. Whoo hoo! 5:02pm
28 - Terese is heading home ON TIME to grab the boys and rush to Karate. Whoo hoo! 5:02pm
31 - Terese knows as soon as she tells the boys "It's Halloween" this morning, all heck will break loose - in a good way... :-). 7:27am
31 - Terese thanks Price Chopper for cheaper gas today - saved 30 cents PER GALLON due to lots of grocery shoppping. 4:11pm
31 - Terese had a lot of fun Trick or Treating with the boys and KK. Check out the pictures... 10:20pm

01 - Terese was awakened at 7:15 by post-Halloween creeping monsters...aka 6 yr old boys trying to hit the candy bowl. 8:49am
01 - Terese justs wants to escape from life. 7:53pm
02 - Terese has watched the Divinci Code too many times this weekend (including right now!) - it just doesn't equal the book at all! 10:01pm
03 - Terese can't wait until November 5. 9:04pm
04 - Terese has donated their status to remind everyone to vote for John McCain today.
04 - Terese is looking for advice on getting a Wii for her kids. Read the posted note then post your comments please! 3:13pm
04 - Terese missed the notice that there wasn't karate tonight and showed up at the church for class. Pollsters were looking at us like we were nuts! *sigh*. 6:49pm
04 - Terese is currently researching what it would take to move to Canada or, honestly, anywhere outside the US. 11:08pm
05 - Terese should have gone to sleep last night instead of staying up to watch the election results. The results would have been much happier! 9:11am
07 - Terese is so happy it's Friday, only half-day of work today and the hubby has a 3-day weekend. Does it get any better? :). 7:23am
09 - Terese is ready to rock-and-roll after doing 4 miles this morning. Unfortunately, stuck cleaning the house. 4:13pm
09 - Terese is going to bed early (for her) with the plan to get up and run again in the AM. (HA!) 10:51pm
10 - Terese is not surprised that the morning run didn't happen. Finally got tosleep at 1am and was awakened at 4am by a 6 yr old not feeling good. 7:58am
10 - Terese is trying to work from home, but it's never a successful endeavor. Hopefully her little boy feels better soon! 3:55pm
10 - Terese got more done at home than she thought she would. But, not until after 4pm when dad got home. 11:18pm
11 - Terese is exhausted after only getting 2 hours of sleep with a sick boy last night. He, however, is running around like a wild child. Ah the joys of parenthood! 1:11pm
13 - Terese ate a good dinner and is ready to head to bed for some much needed sleep. oh...wait...crap...still gotta run at least 3 miles today. dang it. 7:19pm
13 - Terese finished the 3-miler and is now too pumped up to sleep. This schedule is way too screwy! 9:52pm
14 - Terese is fairly sick of the world right now. Maybe that's just the massive sinus/pressue headache talking though. Maybe a nap will help... 1:09pm
14 - Terese just picked up her race packet for the Jingle Bell Run. Come cheer her on at JCCC @ 9am Sunday! 8:04pm
16 - Terese is almost ready to leave for the Jingle Bell Run. It's 30 degrees but mostly sunny - shouldn't be too bad.... 7:59am
16 - Terese had to walk most of the run today. :( Oh well - just finishing was the big goal, not the speed at which it was accomplished! 1:51pm
17 - Terese is telling everyone to go buy their Sweater Party tix. Doesn't matter if you live in KC or not - this is a party worth the roadtrip! 12:40pm
19 - Terese is ready to call it over and done...and yet it continues. 8:52am
20 - Terese is ready to run away to Merriam in about 24 hours. 2 whole days with no kids - whoo hoo! 1:57pm
20 - Terese is heading out to see Twilight as soon as KK gets her butt over here! 10:05pm
21 - Terese : Twilight ROCKS! Go see it! 2:41am
21 - Terese is amazed that she's up and running after only 3 hours of sleep. Yay for Starbucks triple shot venti white mocha - caffeine AND sugar rush! 9:18am
22 - Terese is in disbelief about what a colossally bad weekend this is turning out to be. 3:08pm
23 - Terese is wondering why Kansas doesn't seem to be on God's radar right now. There are people here who need him right now! 3:42pm
24 - Terese is lamenting her choices of late - and those made many years ago. 1:16pm
24 - Terese is tired from sitting tonight. Too many things didn't get done but there wasn't a choice in the matter. So go the best laid plans of mice and men... 9:24pm
25 - Terese is it Thanksgiving yet? Ready to get done with November, through Christmas and straight into 2009 - this year kind of bites! 9:02am
26 - Terese is all set for Thanksgiving. Mostly. Just realized she forgot a few things at the gocery last night. *sigh*. 9:27am
26 - Terese is thankful for friends that read "negative" status updates and actually ASK about them. You guys help SO MUCH - THANKS! 12:25pm
27 - Terese wishes everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. May you be blessed this holiday. 8:57am
27 - Terese ate WAAAY too much, got her fill of football with BOTH the 'Boys and the 'Horns playing today and just had a nice QUIET day with the fam. Happy T-Day indeed. 10:21pm
28 - Terese is wondering what to do with 2 6-yr-olds for 3 days at home. Any suggestions will be considered! 10:15am
28 - Terese is about to eat T-Day leftovers for the 2nd time today. This should be the end of most of them (didn't cook for a full army this year, just a platoon or 2...) 6:57pm
29 - Terese is ready to setup the Christmas tree. Whoo hoo! 2:25pm
30 - Terese ran this morning for the first time since Jingle Bell...about 3 miles in 40 minutes. Getting better, but a loooooooooooong way to go till the marathon! 1:52pm
30 - Terese hereby offers up the "Skipping Starbucks" challenge for December. Can you give up the coffee in the name of charity? Read latest posted note for details... 6:06pm

02 - Terese can't believe there's only TEN days until the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party! Do you have YOUR ticket yet?? 9:20am
02 - Terese is ready for some "quiet time". What - what's that you say? Oh...yeah. Gotta do dinner, showers, homework, reading and snuggling first. Parenthood ROCKS! *sigh*. 5:40pm
04 - Terese has spent hours trying to find the right pics from thee past year to create this year's Christmas calendars. Oh - the memories... 12:07am
04 - Terese is really not ready for Christmas yet. A personal shopper and a maid would be REALLY helpful this year... 10:51pm
05 - Terese is done for the week - WHOO HOO! Have a great weekend y'all! 12:04pm
05 - Terese can't believe how much she just dropped for Christmas presents. Holy carp! But, went from 0% done to 80% done in one place - very happy! 4:03pm
06 - Terese spent half the day on decorations and logistics for the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Do YOU have your ticket yet?? 7:18pm
07 - Terese has misplaced her sanity. If found, please return to... 8:31pm
09 - Terese is amazed, exciting and oh-so-happy that the Ugly christmas Sweater Party is ALMOST SOLD OUT! Do you have your ticket yet? GET IT HERE: 9:08am
09 - Terese wishes she had a window so she could watch the snow falling. **hint hint bossman** :-).
09 - Terese is heading to bed EARLY with high hopes of actually getting up at 6am for the 2nd straight day to run - on the treadmill of course! 10:15pm
09 - Terese got caught up talking to her BFF and did not make the early bedtime. So, the AM run might not happen now. But the talk was much more needed & more fulfilling! 11:57pm
10 - Terese "It's only Wednesday?!" Why is this week so sloooooooooooow? Ready to get this party started - the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party that is - 9:19am
10 - Terese is amazed and oh-so-excited - only 19 tickets left for the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party! Get one NOW -
10 - Terese is SO FREAKIN' EXCITED! If you want to go to the Sweater Party, get your tix 2nite; there's only THREE left! (if I could bold that statement, I would!) 10:51pm
11 - Terese just got home from decorating Tower Tavern. Friday night's party is going to be the BEST EVER - can't wait! 11:22pm
13 - Terese is still recovering from the party last night. And she didn't really drink. Maybe it was they staying there until 4am that did it! 3:30pm
15 - Terese is ready for a nice relaxing week at work - not a single thing on the schedule! =). 9:14am
15 - Terese is suffering from a serious sinus headache & possibly a really bad ear infection. But, driving to the doc is out today, so suffering is the name of the game. 12:04pm
16 - Terese is suffering from a serious sinus headache & possibly a really bad ear infection. But, driving to the doc is out today, so suffering is the name of the game. 12:04pm
16 - Terese is feeling better. Got to the doc today regardless of the weather. Hopefully, this thing will be kicked long before Christmas - got a lot of wrapping to do! 7:45pm
19 - Terese is missing REAL coffee. The "Skipping Starbucks" is officially over at $50 and she's buying a cup this afternoon! =). 10:54am
19 - Terese wishes she could feel better already - missing running SOOO much! 10:39pm
21 - Terese has been wrapping Christmas presents since 10am - and still not done! 3:27pm
21 - Terese is finally finished wrapping ALL the Christmas presents. Really - 100% done. Hallelujah - regular bedtime on Christmas eve this year! 10:10pm
21 - Terese just realized she never took the twins to see Santa this year. Bad mommy. They haven't said anything, so maybe it will be ok. Cross your fingers... 10:15pm
24 - Terese is ready for Christmas Eve fun. Cookie making, final gift wrappings and a big ham dinner. YAY! 10:04am
24 - Terese had to take the boys to see Santa tonight. Yes - they finally remembered they hadn't seen him yet. Oh well - it was fun even if it wasn't planned! 12:53am
25 - Terese wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas! 12:14am
25 - Terese is really happy the Wii was delivered in time for today - that thing is FUN...and a workout at times! oh, and the boys love it too..... 11:59pm
26 - Terese is already tired of the "why does HE get to go first??" fights on the Wii. Why can't we all just get along?? 3:22pm
28 - Terese is definitely not ready to return to work next week. Can't we just start over next year?? 7:54pm
29 - Terese taught KK how to play the Wii this morning and left her playing it with the boys. Too freakin cute! Would rather be there watching than here at work... 9:50am
30 - Terese just found a great way to release pent-up aggression - Wii Boxing. Beating the crap out of a virtual opponent feels kinda good! 11:10pm
31 - Terese ran this morning to bring 2008 total (since Aug.) to 50+ miles. Personally proud even if no one else is! :). 9:14am

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