Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Things About Me

On Facebook there's this viral thing going around where you write 25 random things about yourself then tag 25 friends to do the same. Sort of like those "get to know me" emails that go around several times a year, only slightly more open and less spammy.

So, here's my 25 things. Which will post to FB from my blog. Then I'll tag people on the uploaded copy. Two birds with one post. Nice... :-)

1. I love the Style & Bravo networks. This item is only #1 cuz I have it on right now and i didn't know how to start this list. Clean House is my favorite, mostly because I wish they'd come to MY house!

2. I had a falling out with my church back in July and am finally getting up the nerve to address it with an elder. The reasons for me leaving aren't necessarily what they think (or what I think they think it is). It's really because when it all came down to brass tacks, I was told I wasn't good enough to serve my God. And what hurt more was that God let them say that. I stopped talking to Him for awhile, too. But, since I'm back talking to Him, I'm going to give them a chance as well. If things don't go well, I'm going to try really hard not to let it depress me too far again - crying for days on end is not good for the soul.

3. I miss playing the trombone. I played it for 9 years and it was actually one of my majors at Miami of Ohio. Music Performance. I think the trombone is a somewhat disrespected instrument in that it's not a "main" instrument in many groups, but yet it is SO versatile. I wish I could have kept at it and had a chance to be in a group such as Bonearama. I'm afraid to see what it would sound like now - probably a dying moose. Hopefully, one of my boys will want to play it and I can live vicariously. :-) (For the record, my daughter plays the flute - the freakin' flute. That's just so WRONG!)

4. I've been told on several occasions that I come across as "aggressive" and sometimes "a little scary". Which is really kind of confusing and painful. Cuz I'm not, really. I know what I want or what would really work in situations and I hate waiting around for others to come around to my point of view simply because they're frustrated I got there a lot faster than they did.

5. My cat scares me sometimes. He just sits and stares. Worse than a stalker really. But, he's really just a puff ball, so I have to laugh at myself!

6. I always wanted to be a REAL cheerleader. I didn't make the squad in 7th grade and in a small town like Court House it wasn't easy to get on after that. Especially when you have to move away for 8th & 9th grade. But, I did get to be the mascot for awhile during basketball season. And I got to play a cheerleader on stage for awhile at my church. Still not the same though!

7. I've lived in 6 different states - SC (where I was born), TN, OH, RI, MO and KS. My parents lived in Chicago for awhile and I got to live there for one summer as well, but I don't really count that as it was just like a really loooong visit!

8. In those 6 states I lived in 21 different homes. Yeah. 21. Most were in Ohio, but each state had at least 2 homes each, except TN (I think there was only one there!).

9. I love to travel but don't like to fly. Which makes travel outside the US fairly difficult. I had a travel job for awhile and I had to fly to various parts of the country every other weekend. I think that's when the sensitivity to varying air pressure and severe sinus pressure headaches began. My head is now more effective than a barometer at detecting weather patterns (which is extremely helpful yet annoying while living in KS...).

10. Elton John is my favorite artist. I've seen him 7 times in concert, including the opening of the Sprint Center here in KC last October. He needs to come back again!

11. I'm a huge fan of Jeff Dunham and his band of merry dummies. You have to like ventriloquists, some heavy innuendo and swear words to really get him. But, he's hysterical, trust me! I missed him when he came to KC in December, but I hope to catch him live someday!

12. I love the fact that I had twins, although I'm still not prepared to raise them - it's nothing like raising singletons which is all I was prepared to do. I'm probably the only person I know who never wanted twins. But, since I have an almost OCD-like need for things to be equal and even, it was definitely a God thing that I GOT twins. And after I did a project in an anthropology class on "Twins in American Society", I understand them and our fascination with them so much better!

13. I've written the outline, 1st chapter and ending to at least 20 novel concepts. That's it. No insides. I love to write, but once I know the beginning and end and the basic plot, I'm not interested in completing the story anymore. Well, that, and I'm really bad at character development and dialogue. I can see and hear it all in my head but it never translates right to paper or 'puter. Would love to take time to finish ONE and see if it can be as good finished as it is in my head!

14. One day I hope to figure out what I'd like to be when I grow up. I've gone through so many potential majors in college and so many other options it makes people's heads spin. And I've made a career (so far) of being one hell of a "jack of all trades" - at least in the business world. I would really like to figure out what my true calling is however. Parents, beware. When you tell your kids they can be "anything they want" it helps to give some parameters and focus or they'll end up like me! :-) My current potential careers are masseuse or sign language interpreter. Researching both educational avenues...

15. I currently have 9 books piled on my bed. Yes, reading them all in snippets. Or, rather, re-reading 6 of them, learning from one (on women's running) and only 2 new.

16. I'm really a "glass half-full" kind of person. Especially when I look at other people's lives and troubles. I'm pretty good at helping people slow down and look at a situation (post-venting) and see the beautiful silver lining that's always at the edges. I just can't do that for myself very well (see #17...).

17. I'm not a really "happy" or content person. My husband used to tell me I was afraid to be happy (til I snarled at him). Maybe that comes from moving around so much as a kid - getting used to a place and people and then being made to give it up. No - this is not a "it's all my parents fault" kind of thing. Just a reality of me. I was hurt a lot in my life by careless words and sarcasm that sarcasm is now my defense and I keep most people at arms length and only tell them silly stuff like this list. I'd like to be happier and more content with my life, but it's just so damn scary sometimes!

18. I miss Teri and Kim every day. They are my Ohio BFFs and my oldest BFFs. Teri and I have been friends since 2nd grade (27 years for those keeping track) and Kim and I have known each other for 15 years (is that right?!). You girls rock and the 700 miles between us makes friendship hard sometimes (although sometimes it makes it easier, too!). I hope to see you again this year!

19. I love hippos. At least, the stuffed variety. I have a collection of about 30 (at least) and I get 3 - 5 new ones each year between my b-day, Mother's Day and Christmas. However, I watched a show on Hippos today on Animal Planet and I don't think I like real hippos so much! They're actually pretty scary and gross. But the stuffed ones? Bring 'em on! :)

20. I really want to get a tattoo. Probably on my right shoulder. Penelope trying to escape from Pepe le Pew's hold. If you really know me, you'll completely get this! :-) Unfortunately, the hubs isn't about getting ink. So, it probably won't happen while he's kicking. And after there wouldn't be as much of a point. *sigh*

21. I'm currently about 30-40 lbs overweight, depending on the scale, date and which height/weight comparison I'm going by at the time. For those who knew me in school and before the kids, feel free to be astonished right now. But, I'm working on it! I may not get down to the size 4 I was when I got married, but I'll be happy just to be comfortable in my own skin again.

22. I got my navel pierced about a month before I found out I was pregnant in 2001. Since my belly got HUGE with the twins, it never really healed and I had to take it out. My reward for eventually losing my 30 extra pounds will be to get it re-pierced. Regardless of the hubs view on this one! This is MY reward!

23. I do not like our new president. I don't trust him. He always came across as a used car salesman to me. However, as he is the new commander in chief and I am a third generation Navy brat, I will give him the respect his POSITION deserves. Until he completely screws it up. Then I'll do a little happy dance, shout a big "I told you so" and buy one of those "Don't blame me, I voted for McCain" bumper stickers. :-)

24. I'm in training for the Olathe half-marathon at the end of March. I've run 2 5ks and will probably do a 4-miler on Valentine's Day to benefit a brain tumor research group (in my BFF 'Berly's honor, of course!) I'm hoping to do the full marathon here in KC or in Columbus this fall. Then, next year I want to do the Komen 3-day walk for breast cancer. From there, I'm really not sure where this running thing will go! Maybe Boston before I turn 40?

25. Part of my job entails being the project lead for 7 pro-bono clients (or as I call them, Sponsorship Accounts). I have always thought these projects deserve the same respect and attention to detail as full paying clients - if not more since they are excellent marketing pieces as well! But, I really like doing them as they speak to my heart - all are for causes that mean something to me. Plus, I get to attend 3 black-tie galas, 2 "costume" parties, and one shopping event. What more could a girl want??

There you go - 25 random and fairly useless details about me. Well, they're useless unless you're a cyber-stalker. In which case, none of this is true. I really live in California, am always on the beach with my two well-trained Great Danes named Killer and Brutus and I'm married to a Raiders defensive lineman. With no kids. And I grew up on the mean streets of New York and am a serious hard-core bitch. Also, I have a conceal and carry license and I'm an Olympic sharpshooter. Don't mess with me stalker boy!

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