Monday, December 22, 2008

Moments for Myself - 22 December

"We expect too much at Christmas. It's got to be magical. It's got to go right. Feasting. Fun. the perfect present. All that anticipation. Take it easy. Love's the thing. The rest is just tinsel."

- Pam Brown, Moments for Myself, Daily Inspiration Calendar


I needed this one today, as I have been so worried about all the presents and the decorations and trying to keep our few "traditions" going (like getting the tree up on Thanksgiving weekend, buying our annual Hallmark ornaments, seeing the Longview Lights, visiting Santa, making Christmas cookies, etc.), that I think I forgot about some of the most important things! Have I been so obsessed with these details that I forgot to teach my kids about giving and thinking about others?

However, when I saw my kids make their babysitter open her Christmas present this morning, before she could even take off her coat, I realized maybe I've done ok. My kids are a lot like me - they're more excited about seeing other people open their presents and what they GAVE than about what they might GET.

They searched under the tree last night when I was done wrapping, not for their own names but for others - to see how many presents other people had - and then they asked me what was in each one. As I filled them in on the details, they would say stuff like "oh, he'll really get to use that" or "she's going to LOVE that!" So, maybe I haven't missed too many of the finer points and they really ARE getting it!

But, I still want to make those cookies on Wednesday...

1 comment:

The Knedler Clan said...

Eat a cookie for me!!!