Tuesday, December 30, 2008

10 Things I Can't Live Without

Although I wasn't asked to participate in a local interview/publication like my coworker Ramsey, I did find the concept pretty interesting and blog-post worthy. Since the rules state that these must be tangible things (things that other people could get to make their lives more livable would be my guess) I of course can't list my spouse or kids or friends or co-workers or anyone like that. Nor can I list love, faith, etc. I won't list my laptop or Internet or anything "common" like that, since everyone who knows me knows those are a personal AND business requirement in not only my life, but in most people's these days!

So, to round out 2008, here's my list of 10 things I can't live without (not necessarily in this order):
  1. My 3rd gen. pink iPod
    It gets me through the work day and every workout. I make sure it's always charged or charging when not in use, as I never know when I'll really need it to get me through housework, driving with the kids (or without them!) or any old part of my day where silence wouldn't be conducive. I've currently got 3 "real" movies on there, 2 short home movies, 3 GB of songs, some pics and some contacts from Outlook. I need to update it to remove the Christmas music and change out the movies, but otherwise, it's always got the basics to get me through any noise-needed crisis!

  2. Puff-Daddy the Cat
    Now, he might fall under the "people/feelings" rule, but seriously, I have to have a pet that I can pet. Fish don't count, although our three tanks can be pretty relaxing to look at. I claim not to like our cat but mostly cuz he's a stalker - of me. He's a good mouser, warm body on the feet, snuggle kitty and he does make most days much easier to get through. And yes, most anyone could get one of these fur balls!

  3. Sony CyberShot Camera
    Now, I don't claim to use this everyday, but since I got it for Mother's Day a few years ago, it's documented SOOOOOO many moments of the kids playing sports, family times, holidays, office events, and just general life. It made Christmas gifts so EASY for everyone this year and it's just such an easy-to-use little guy. He makes me smile. :-)

  4. Nike+ System
    I'm still fairly new to the whole running game, but this little gadget makes me feel SO amazing. I can see just how far I've gone on each run and how long it took to get there. Beyond that, I can see my pace, how it rose and fell or how it stayed even-keeled. And with the corresponding website I even got to make a mini-me. She tells me I've done a great job or gets a little bitchy when I haven't worked out in awhile. All in all, the system works for me as a motivational tool and I wouldn't dream of doing a run or race without it.

  5. Treadmill
    It's old and none of the main controls really work anymore. But, it treads and I run and walk on it and it saves me from being outside in 10 degree weather. Or from running in the dark, which my hubby doesn't really like. Or from running in the park alone, another thing my hubby doesn't like. It also means that I have NO excuse for not working out, since it's just sitting there, waiting for me to slip into workout clothes and running shoes, snap on the iPod with Nike+ and get moving. Oh how I hate it some days...

  6. Mary Kay Makeup
    OK - Makeup in general, but that was a shameless plug for my MK business. :-) Without makeup, those of you who see me everyday would not be happy. Makeup can wake you up, make you feel a little better about yourself, put a spring in your step or just cover up those big ole bags under your eyes. Unless I know I'll be sitting on my keester all day at home, I very rarely don't do at least SOMETHING with my face. And sometimes even when I know only my boys will see it, I still have to do something!

  7. iTunes Movies
    Yeah, they're a little expensive. And I can only fit about 3 of them on my handy little iPod. But, these movies get me through my work day SO much! Yeah, I watch movies while I'm working (but mostly I'm just listening as I've watched the same 10 movies about 30 times now!) Since streaming video can be unreliable and using THAT at work tends to slow everyone down this is the next best thing.

  8. Starbucks Coffee
    Or any kind of coffee house coffee. Having been without for one month now (yeah, even though I ended the Challenge I still never got a cup!) I realize just how good it was. Our office coffee has fallen down considerably even with a machine switch and I can barely drink it anymore! I can't wait to use the Starbucks card Santa slipped me this year!

  9. Blue Pens
    I am a sucker for office supplies. I could spend HOURS in Office Depot, Office Max or Staples; there's just something about those types of stores that makes you feel productive. And within all those places are pens and pens and pens and pens and maybe a few more pens. And although black seems to be the choice of the business world, I prefer a nice, smooth blue one. Preferably a Bic but not necessarily required. Just blue. They make me smile. Oh...but don't get me started on RED pens. Blue pens are necessary but the red ones - WOW! :-)

  10. My Bible
    When I am doing the "right stuff" for a good Christian woman, that book saves me so much grief. It's a story book, it's a guidance counselor, it's uplifting and it's come-back-down-to-earth. Maybe if I trusted the words in it again, things would make more sense and I could move beyond my rift with the church. Guess I can technically live without it, but I can't live happily so I'm going to have to make at least one resolution to pick it back up in 2009!

That's it. I'd LOVE to hear your list. Feel free to post a comment with your 10 things or a link to your own blog post of 10. :-)


The Knedler Clan said...

Love the list, but here's my question to make you think - why is your ipod #1 and your Bible #10?

The Knedler Clan said...

What 10 things can I live without?? Boy, this was harder than I thought.

I tried to put them in order of importance to me, but I found it really hard to come up with 10 items without thinking of people or emotions. So here it goes . . .

1. My Bible/prayer – of course I had to list that as #1 since I gave you grief But really, it would be my number one pick. Only because when I use it the way I should, my life goes much smoother and I’m more at peace. (You’d think I’d figure that out and use it all the time.) We actually started incorporating prayer into our morning before the kids leave for school – but that’s a whole ‘nother blog.

2. My Camera – I went without a real digital camera for the past 6 months or so and found it impossible. There are so many things I want to take pictures of with the kids, etc. It’s just part of me and how I want to remember things and express myself. You know me, I love to scrapbook! Without pictures, I can’t do that. . .

3. My Car – Let’s face it, I live in BFE and to get anywhere I have to drive. I would absolutely love it if we moved and I could walk or bike to work, but I’ve come to the realization that it’s impossible. I’m destined to live in the boonies forever!

4. Library Card – I have used this item the most in the past year than I ever have in my life. I’m proud to say my hubby got his first “adult” library card just a couple weeks ago. I’m so proud of him! Since we’re trying to stick to a budget and get our spending under control, we use it to check out movies (for free), books and for the internet. I’m sure we’ve saved a TON this past year by doing this.

5. Daily Utilities – I don’t know if this is valid or not, but I know there’s one thing I can’t live without – running water, electric and heat! During the ice storm years ago, I was lost without being able to run my sweeper or shower. I’d never make it on survivor.

6. Sweet Tea – I have downgraded from Mt. Dew to sweet tea. I don’t have many sweet foods in my life anymore, so I indulge in my sweet tea.

7. DVR – I love this thing! Why couldn’t I have invented something like that? I have been able to cut down my TV time by setting my must have shows with the DVR so I can watch them when I can and FF through the commercials.

8. My glasses – Let’s face it – I can’t see a thing without them and I can’t wear contacts anymore, so if some catastrophe happens and glasses can no longer be made, I’m screwed. I couldn’t imagine a day when I couldn’t see my kids faces clearly or the stars at night.

9. Medication - I found out the hard way by trying to save money that I need certain doctor prescribed medications in my life. Sometimes, even the things you think you can deal with on your own, is much bigger than you ever imagined.

10. ????????? I honestly couldn’t think of “things.” I kept reverting back to people, pets or emotions. I hope that’s a good thing!:) Give the list a try – it really makes you think.

TnT Momma said...

Please note that my list is NOT in order of importance, or even as I thought of them. My Bible and I were not close in the later part of 2008 due to an unfortunate situation with my church and therefore God in July. I've overcome the God issues so the Bible will come back into my life. :-)

The Knedler Clan said...

I noticed that after I had posted - sorry:(

Ramsey Mohsen said...

There's a few on this list I would expect to be there ...and few that were curveballs. Like office supplies? and Puffy the Cat? :)

Nice list!