Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Moments for Myself - 09 September 2008

The reflection on a day well spent furnishes us with joys more pleasing than ten thousand triumphs.

- Thomas A. Kempis, Moments for Myself, Daily Inspiration Calendar
I didn't really have any triumphs today, but I know I spent the day well. I was coordinating and entering content for four different sites for four very different project leads, training the client for one of those sites, and doing lead activities for five of my own projects. So, busy and productive (which to me means "a day well spent") but no real "triumphs" to speak of. Interesting how true this statement is when you stop and think about it!

How did you spend YOUR day? Was it productive? Did you appear to make others happy or fulfill some need? If so, then be JOYFUL in your work! :-)

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