Friday, March 30, 2007

New Baby!

Ok - the new baby isn't MINE, but it's exiciting and wonderful nonetheless.

My boss of four years, Neal, and his beautiful wife, Angela, had their first child today. Although we were all at work, we got to "witness" the event via a play-by-play blog provided by a friend of theirs, Heidi ( She jokingly said she could start a new business as a birth-blogger; I think the idea has merit. She was really detailed and good at it!

Angela was strong and beautiful - completely natural birth in about twelve hours. Neal seemed to be in awe of her throughout the whole process - as well he should be!

Little Olivia is absolutely adorable, in the way only new babies can be. She looks a lot like Neal - coloring and face shape. Enjoy the other blog for awhile - it's worth a good read-through!

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