Sunday, September 30, 2012

Adventures in Pinterest #1

Follow Me on PinterestToday I officially tried one of my Pinterest pins and during the trial I decided, why not make this a regular thing? I've already made SO many pins (399 pins on 18 boards!) and I really haven't DONE any of them! What's the point of putting all these things on a board if I'm not actually intending to use them?!

So, at least once a week I will be trying out a new recipe, a DIY crafty thing for the home, a new exercise routine, a new outfit, etc. Right now, I only pledge to one a week because life is a bit nuts. Once I get in to the habit of trying new things, hopefully I'll forage into the Pins a bit more often. :) After I try these things, I'll post here and pin the post to my new "Pins I've Tried" board.

On to the first adventure!

After a Saturday I could swear was a Monday and a Sunday spent doing housework and playing disc golf with the kids, I needed some "me" time. I had just posted this pin on Saturday night about a detox bath and I couldn't think of anything more relaxing to try. While I was at the grocery store on Sunday, I had to pick up the hydrogen peroxide and the ginger and by 8:30 I was ready to detox and relax!

When I went to add the hydrogen peroxide I had to convert the 3 pints she lists in the directions to ounces. Wow. Um, for those who can't do that in their heads, it's 48 ounces. Or 6 cups. Although I had purchased the large bottle of peroxide, it wasn't nearly enough. So, I only put in 4 cups and hoped for the best. Be sure you buy enough if you try this out!

I ran a pretty hot bath but it wasn't nearly hot enough to make me sweat. Once I could tolerate the temp on my skin, I kept adding hot water until I was actually sweating. Yikes that's HOT! But, once the sweating started, it was like the post said and I was a faucet. Ick...but that's the point, right?

After about 30 minutes, my kids checked on me to see if I had drowned. Since I hadn't and I actually needed to get them to bed, I took a quick shower to wash my hair and clear off the sweat (cuz seriously, who wants to go to bed sweaty wihtout a good reason?).

Right now, I'm downing lots of water cuz I feel depleted after the disc golf and the bath. My body does feel less stressed and my skin is super soft. (Added bonus?)

I'll have to check in tomorrow morning to see if it actually helps me sleep better and wake up less achy than I would normally be after a weekend like this. If I actually sleep better, I might have to make this a fairly regular thing.

Oh, but next time? I have to remember this little do-dad. Without it, my displaced water keeps escaping, my water level is pretty low and the drain noise is anything BUT relaxing! :)

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