Thursday, September 20, 2007


A coworker of mine has a blog about running. Now, normally I wouldn't read such a thing because running is a thing of my past and probably not even a blip on my future radar. A past high school sprinter, I never had the stamina to go long-distance, but this gal trains for marathons. I find that absolutely amazing and I'm very impressed with her drive and "obsession".

She had a great post recently that I needed to quote. Hope you don't mind AB, but I real loved what you wrote! :)
"Funny how the urge to believe or to pray sneaks up on you right as things start to really suck! Then how it sneaks back up on you as things start going really well... I don't know exactly what I believe, I'm still working that out in learning from my friends of so many different faiths. I do know that I believe in something greater than myself and that belief has gotten me through a number of struggles and gives me peace of mind."

It's wonderful to hear things like this from other people. I know what I believe, what I have always believed through my entire upbringing. But, sometimes it's good to hear these things, to be reminded of the need to pray not only when things are bad but also when things are going good, to say "Thanks!"

So, God, because I haven't said it enough lately, these are the things in my life I've very thankful you've given me:

  • Mercy and grace
  • Your Word
  • The love of a good, strong, handsome husband who protects me and only wants the best for me. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it in the end!
  • A beautiful step-daughter with whom I couldn't be closer if she were my own daughter; in fact, if she were my "real" daughter, we probably wouldn't get along so well!
  • One wonderful son who is theatrical and goofy and one of the most caring people I have ever met. Watching him interact with other people and try to make them laugh and be happy warms my heart daily.
  • Another fantastic son who is smart and serious and artistic. Determined and desiring of education and the need to do things right, he's a joy every day of my life, because I see so much of myself in him. And I only hope I can help him turn out better!
  • Friends near and far. I couldn't get through it long-term without them!
  • An extended family around the globe. Sometimes it's better that they're farther away, but it's all good!
  • A strong church family where I'm accepted, wanted and, dare I believe it, needed
  • A good, steady job with a lot of wonderful people.
  • The ability to be well-rounded in my job and in my life - to excel at so many things simply because of the gifts you gave me.
  • A deep love of music and theatre - I don't know how I would get through a day without music and a good TV show or movie!

And so very much more! Thank you Lord. And I'll try to do better at saying "Thank You" the next time I'm asking for your help or begging for your forgiveness!

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