Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Sport...

The boys got a flyer on Monday about a sport starting up this week - KARATE! They were VERY excited. So, we took them tonight.

It was really interesting for me. I've never been in any class like that before and I really liked the way it was taught. They focus on "stranger danger" at this age and teach how to get out of wrist locks and block punches, etc. The sensei is a former band director and vice-principal/principal so he's really good with the kids.

The boys really enjoyed it and are really looking forward to continuing it. The only part they didn't like was that we didn't buy them the karategi (uniform). We didn't want to shell out the $30 each if they weren't going to stay in it. But, since they are, be sure to keep an eye out for them in their black outfits with the white belts.

The real test was of course daddy. He actually HAS done karate in the past, although he describes it as a "bloodier" version as they were learning to fight, not defend. But, he had heard of this guy and the group before and he liked the way they dealt with this on a kid level. As a past coach himself, I trust his opinion on coaching styles and abilities more than my own. =)

So - all in all it was a good night. And I look forward to 15 more weeks of it. Then - on to BASKETBALL.... (sport #4 for the boys!)

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