Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Month of Thankfulness

For the month of November I'll be updating this post with a daily update of people, places or items for which I am thankful. I also have calendars printed for the boys to write out their thankful list throughout the month. So - what are you thankful for today? :)
  1. My family. Specifically my husband who loves me despite all my faults, my two funny smart and sweet little boys and my beautiful sensitive step-daughter. I love you all!
  2. Karate classes. It's great workout, good quality time with my boys and I'm actually learning something new, which is pretty rare these days.
  3. Thanksgiving. Particularly, I am thankful for people, especially radio stations, who remember that Thanksgiving IS a holiday; it's actually my favorite one! No Christmas until AFTER November 25 please! :)
  4. My Crazy Brain. No really, I'm happy I'm a little off-kilter. Because otherwise, there's no way I could be me or do all that I do if I wasn't just a little nuts.
  5. Pro-bono Accounts. My job allows me to help such wonderful and worthy causes such as Back in the Swing, Treads & Threads, Jazzoo at the Kansas City Zoo, Red Ball for The American Red Cross in KC, HillOween, and The Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Being the website project lead for these events is very soul-satisfying!
  6. Football. I love football! I love how American it is. I love the autumn-ness of it. I love that my whole family plays fantasy football together. I love how my husband coaches - hard but fair. I love how my boys play it - with no butts but lots of heart. Plus, when it's on TV, it's a great time time to take a nap if I don't really care about who's playing.
  7. Daylight Savings. I know most people dislike this, but I love it. Especially in the fall. I went to bed at 10:45 only to realize with the time change it was really only 9:45. And I slept until 8 am. And when I drive to work or drive home, the sun's not in my eeys as much. Let's just not talk about the spring side of this amazing deal...
  8. Morning-able Children. My kids get up, get their own breakfast, brush their teeth, get dressed, feed the pets and even make their own lunches - at only 8 yrs old! They do all that with minimal reminders (or yelling) from me, most days. This allows me to get up later and get ready for work a lot easier. Now, on to teaching them how to cook, do laundry and drive the car...

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