Tuesday, January 05, 2010

2010: JOY

This year, I'm focusing on the word "JOY". The little things in life that bring a bit of joy each and every day to the bigger things that add up to a lifetime of joy.

To that end, I'm following my friend Amanda's lead and starting a daily listing of items that make my joyful. Hers is called the "attitude of gratitude" and mine will be simply the "Joyful Journal". 

Each day there'll either be a specific area where I list the 5 joy items or that might be all my posting consists of on some days (when it's busy). So, by the end of the year I'll have a good "Joyful Journal" to reflect back on in the future.

Enjoy! (and someone please hold me accountable if I go too long without adding anything!)

  1. Morning Coffee
  2. My sons' laughter in the morning
  3. Unexpected email messages
  4. Hulu.com
  5. Friends with more warped senses of humor than me

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