Monday, August 18, 2008

Organization Crazy

Apparently I've lost my mind or I've been invaded by body snatchers. Either way, I somehow found the fortitude to clean up my closet. I think it really came down so I could finally find clothes without getting wrapped up and tripping over shoes. Anyway, it was a weird bonding exercise with Emily, too, so it was fun while we were doing it.

I actually got the idea for my shoes from Clean House Organization Queen, Trish Suhr. Since I rarely keep shoe boxes, I couldn't suddenly go back to using those. So, I went to Big Lots and bought many many clear shoe boxes (32 to be exact, which Emily really didn't think I'd completely use - HA!). Then, came the fun part!

We set up a white towel to use as our photo shoot area and then we pulled out all my shoes. Each pair got placed in the same position on the towel and Emily got to take the pictures. We were trying to make it so each shoe showed the most visible space as well as the height of the heel (apparently, I have a lot of black shoes at varying heights!)

Then they each got a box. After all the pictures were taken, I printed them off wallet size and taped them to the correct box. (My husband didn't understand the pictures until he saw the finished product. He kept asking "Aren't the boxes clear? Can't you just look THROUGH the boxes?" He's cluelessly cute sometimes...)

I got rid of about 10 pairs of shoes that I didn't even remember having, that didn't fit or that I never wear and about 5 or 6 pairs didn't end up in boxes at all (boots that wouldn't bend or heels too high). In the end, 24 boxes ended up on the shelf and 8 on the floor (hiking boots and canoe shoes, etc.). My shelf now looks like this:

I think the photos on the ends are self-explanatory now! :)

Now, don't think it was only my shoes that got to have all the fun! My scarves all went on to one hangar (you can see them in that picture too), my shirts & blouses all got arranged by sleeve length and dressy-factor, pants got 5-to-1 hangars, and my winter clothes got space bags. (The boys liked watching my clothes get sucked into small packages - they thought that was pretty hysterical!)

All in all, it was a pretty good few hours on a Sunday and about $75 (tops) and it made a HUGE difference for my closet and my bedroom floor. And now I'm ready to tackle my desk this coming weekend.

May the body snatchers wait until September before they realize they're in the wrong body!

1 comment:

The Knedler Clan said...

You can come do mine now! In fact, you can come do my whole house! I always said we could be a whole TLC marathon of shows - Clean House, What not to Wear, Take Home Handyman and Take Home Chef - Heck you can even throw in Extreme Home Makeover!;)

Good job! What's your next venture?