Monday, May 05, 2008

Moments for Myself - 05 May 2008

I need this one today. It's my 5th anniversary with my company - whoo hoo! Been here a long time in terms of work relationships and I just need a way to refresh my mind and spirit regarding my job. Can you say - "burned out" - I know you can...


Slip into a sudsy warm bath. Linger over a cup of coffee with a good friend. Take a walk on a rainy afternoon, splashing through puddles along the way. Whatever you need, take time to refresh your soul.

- Moments for Myself, Daily Inspiration Calendar


Unknown said...

I am SO proud of you!
5 years is a great committment, and I know it's hard for you to stay in one place. :)
I wish we could sit down and have a cup of coffee together.
Big hugs to you today, enjoy your day and reflect on the last few years and try to focus on the positive to shut out the burnout.
I love you!

jeanna said...

just found your blog. very cool!