Sunday, June 10, 2007


The boys are playing t-ball this year and it's probably the singular funniest thing I've ever witnessed!

Everytime Travis gets up to bat, they put him on the wrong side. He holds the bat correctly and they look at him like he's daft because he'll hit it into the backstop. THEN they remember he's the lefty!

Thomas gets very serious about the whole thing and tries to field every ball - even if it's on the wrong side of the field!

Joe keeps encouraging this - saying it's just "aggressive" playing, but I kept telling them both they have to let the other kids field too and learn their positions. Eventually, Joe & I will get on the same page in this parenting thing.

All in all, they're having fun and it's just an "intro" to baseball. Hopefully, it's a sport they'll continue with, especially Travis - left-handed pitchers can make a good living (and help their moms retire early!)

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